Spiritual Podcast

The Journals of Spiritual Discovery is a spiritual podcast featuring in-depth, insightful interviews with spiritual teachers.  Here, you will only find the best interviews with spiritual teachers, as I explore what we can learn and apply from their life stories and spiritual awakenings.

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Show Notes, Links, and Resources for All Episodes

Below are all the spiritual podcast shows, listed from newest to oldest!

Coming next: Use the contact form to let me know who you would like to see interviewed next on the spiritual podcast or a favorite writing for the Induction Series.

Episode 59 Awakening to the Unspeakable with Philo Sophie King.  “What you think of as nothing is in truth, everything….”

Episode 48 Federico Faggin: the Physics of Consciousness, an interview with scientist, inventor, entrepreneur, and consciousness researcher Federico Faggin.

Episode 47 Reflections on the Spiritual Path, an interview with one of the contributors to this exciting new book.

Episode 46 The Quest for Enlightenment, an interview with August Turak.

Episode 45, What am I? an interview with Shawn Pethel. What happens when you take the rigor of a physicist and combine that with the earnest desire of a seeker of enlightenment?  Find out in this episode.

Episode 44, The Induction Series #12: Ramana Maharshi: Instructions for Self-Enquiry.  In “Self Enquiry,” Ramana says, “In this chapter is given clearly the path of enquiry into the Self, or ‘Who Am I?’” Obviously, that’s a must-listen piece!

Episode 43, The Induction Series #11: A Reading from Eddie Traversa’s Truth Realization – in loving memory of Eddie Traversa, two profound readings from his book

Episode 42: The Magic of Rapport with Mike Gegenheimer

Episode 41: Honesty, Focus, Intuition, and the Natural Koan, an interview with Shawn Nevins (um… yeah that’s me)

Episode 40, The Induction Series #10: Induction and Subtraction: The Plunge into Enlightenment – an excerpt from my book

Episode 39, The Induction Series #9: Ramana Maharshi – Who am I? – one of the greatest teachers of the 20th century.

Episode 38, The Induction Series #8: The Basis of Awareness by Foyan – this 12th century Chinese Zen master exhorts the student to look inside and “turn back to examine their own eyes.” 

Episode 37, The Induction Series #7: To Think of Time by Walt Whitman

Episode 36, The Induction Series #6: Spiritual Poetry: Seeker and Finder – a short reading from the book Beyond Mind, Beyond Death featuring heartfelt poems from a seeker and a finder.

Episode 35, The Induction Series #5: The Realization of Nisargadatta Maharaj – Nisargadatta describing his spiritual realization

Episode 34, The Induction Series #4: The Penny the Blots out the Sun by Alfred Pulyan

Episode 33, The Induction Series #3: William Samuel and The World is After the Fact

Episode 32, The Induction Series #2: Bernadette Roberts on “How it Works” – a dive into the Unmanifested

Episode 31, The Induction Series #1: “Transmission” by Bart Marshall

Episode 30: Exploring our deepest assumptions through the  The Lecture of Questions

Episode 29: Pat “the barber” Crowley and the power of intuitive intelligence

Episode 28: The essence of confrontation with Art Ticknor

Episode 27: Out of Darkness with John E. Davis.

Episode 26: Joel Morwood and the Center for Sacred Sciences

Episode 25: Bob Fergeson and the Listening Attention

Episode 24: Opening to Intuition: Dr. Richard Howlin discusses Joseph Sadony

Episode 23: The Hermit at Heart: Maury Lee

Episode 22: Falling For Truth with Howdie Mickoski.

Episode 21: Deeper Than That with Jac O’Keeffe.

Episode 20: Ultimate Between-ness with Bart Marshall

Episode 19: Eshwar Segobind‘s fast path to awakening.

Episode 18: A guided meditation based on the play Our Town.

Episode 17: Thoughts on Richard Rose and the Spiritual Life with Michael Casari

Episode 16: Opening Avenues of Thought with Pattiann Rogers

Episode 15: Rising High with Spiritual Poetry

Episode 14: Creativity and the Spiritual Search with Jerry Wennstrom

Episode 13: Walking through the Gateless Gate with Norio Kushi

Episode 12: Jan Frazier on Tuning in to what’s Real

Episode 11: Spiritual Poems from Beyond Mind, Beyond Death

Episode 10: Wisdom from Down Home with the Hillbilly Sutra

Episode 9: Hardcore Dharma with Daniel Ingram

Episode 8: Awakening Down Under with Eddie Traversa

Episode 7: The Mindful Geekiness of Michael Taft

Episode 6: Tracking the Mind with Paul Rezendes

Episode 5: The question of self-identity with Tess Hughes

Episode 4: What does God feel like? asks Anima Pundeer

Episode 3: The steady hand of Paul Constant

Episode 2: Bittersweet Enlightenment with Bob Cergol

Episode 1: Yeah, it was amazing but deleted at the request of the interviewee.

this spiritual podcast.