The life of Paul Rezendes is a compelling story: leader of two notorious motorcycle gangs becomes yoga teacher,spiritually awakens, then lives that through his work as a renowned wildlife tracker, teacher, and photographer. Paul points definitively to the conundrum of the self, the seeker, getting in the way of what is sought. Call its resolution the non-experience of awakening:
What is always here is not an experience, but it makes itself known to thought. Thought, the brain, cannot know it or hold it, but it can’t deny it. It, that which is not coming and going, is being us, being all beings, and it informs thought of this. Thought has to learn how to move with This.
Paul Rezendes has both an intensity and transience about him – like an Aikido master of presence. Continue reading “Paul Rezendes – The non-experience of Awakening”