Thank you for visiting! Flip through a few sample pages from my books below. You won’t be disappointed. My work is based on a simple premise: pointing towards the Real and backing away from the Unreal.
Enjoy free shipping and a great deal on your signed copy of Subtraction: The Simple Math of Enlightenment. Only $13.95. Also get Hydroglyphics: Reflections on the Sacred in full-color for only $18.95, or get both for $31.00.
Due to high shipping costs, offer is available for U.S. residents only. Paper is cool, but if you really, really want the Kindle version or are outside the U.S., head to Amazon.

“A subtractive , deconstructive process is the surest way to successful conclusion of a spiritual path. It was the main piece of the shortcut that Richard Rose said existed. But just what in the world does subtraction on a spiritual path really mean? How could it translate into a viable spiritual practice? How does one follow a subtractive path? That is precisely what this book is about….” ~ Bob Cergol
“I offer this book as a light and inspiration – that there is an answer that will settle your longing, and that someone as full of self-doubt and indecision as me could find it.” ~ Shawn Nevins
254 pages, TAT Foundation Press
A breathtaking collection of poetry and full-color photography that immerses the reader in the sacred, reflective spaces of water. “This is such fine work. The images are stunning. The play of light and water waves of words open worlds–simply sublime.” ~ Sean Murphy
112 pages, full-color, TAT Foundation Press
Best Wishes,