Peace Pilgrim: The walking saint

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If you asked me to name a modern-day saint, I would name Peace Pilgrim. peace pilgrimFor 28 years, Peace Pilgrim crisscrossed the United States, “walking until given shelter and fasting until I am given food.” She logged over 25,000 miles carrying with her nothing but a comb, toothbrush, pen, correspondence, and slips of blue paper with her message of peace: “This is the way of peace — overcome evil with good, and falsehood with truth, and hatred with love.”

Her amazing outer life was indicative of an amazing inner life, as well. Peace Pilgrim believed that the way toward outer peace was through finding inner peace. She wrote her “Steps Toward Inner Peace” to share her experience in finding harmony with the divine plan. Among the steps she lists are:

Take a right attitude toward life
Bring our lives into harmony with the laws that govern this universe
Find our special place in the Life Pattern
Simplification of life
Purification of the body
Purification of thought
Purification of desire
Purification of motive
Relinquishment of self-will
Relinquishment of the feeling of separateness
Relinquishment of all attachment
Relinquishment of all negative feelings

It is not a “to do” list that you can complete in a few days. Peace said the steps were in no particular order and the important thing was to simply start wherever you felt called to begin. Also, there might be more or fewer steps depending on the person.

It is Peace Pilgrim’s hard-won, complete dedication to living by her highest inner light that attracts me. She is a supreme example of trusting one’s inner guidance. I suggest you read her Steps Toward Inner Peace. It is a very short booklet available, free of charge, from Friends of Peace Pilgrim. Peace was adamant that the Truth should not be sold: “You lose any spiritual contact the moment you commercialize it.” The Friends of Peace Pilgrim group lives this truth and keeps the message alive. Visit their website at:

Here is an hour-long documentary of Peace Pilgrim, courtesy of Night Lotus Productions:

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