Here’s a quick update on what’s new at and elsewhere.
The Induction Series continues with “Induction and Subtraction: The Plunge into Enlightenment” an excerpt from my book Subtraction. In it, I describe the moments that led up to my enlightenment experience, which occurred as I was reading a transcript of Franklin Merrell-Wolff’s “Induction” talk. The reading is a mix of my words and quotes from Merrell-Wolff.
As always, the podcast is free. I set a goal of getting 100 reviews by April 28th for my book Subtraction: The Simple Math of Enlightenment on Amazon, and thanks to many of you that goal was reached! If you haven’t already done so, please take 3-4 minutes and follow the link to leave a review. It really helps the book get noticed, and you don’t even need to have purchased the book to leave a review. Thanks!
Jerry Wennstrom, whom I interviewed on the podcast, recently published a new hardcover book, a beautiful exploration of his art and life called A Second Wind: Art Resurrected. It’s the sort of book I feel honored to hold in my hands and explore. Jerry’s journey into art was a journey into his self that culminated in a letting go of all forms.
On Sunday May 15th, I’ll led a session for the “GMT Support Group for Seekers.” If you’re interested in attending, reach out them for details on how to log in, etc. You’ll find the contact info on the TAT local groups page. The session is at GMT 18.30 (which, I think, is 10:30 am PT).
I have two t-shirt designs available: “Life is… Poetry in Motion” and “I cannot distinguish myself from the Light”- a Doré painting paired with a Rumi quote. There are long sleeve, short sleeve, and V-neck styles. Check them out at the Store.

Quote That I’m Pondering
“Personally you did not create even the smallest microscopic fragment of the materials out of which your opinion is made; and personally you cannot claim even the slender merit of putting the borrowed materials together. That was done automatically – by your mental machinery, in strict accordance with the law of that machinery’s construction. And you not only did not make that machinery yourself, but you have not even any command over it. ~ Mark Twain in “What is Man?”
Wishing you all the best,